Fanvil C01

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Display Resolution 128x48

Feature Keys
Large dot matrix LCD display and softkeys
    make user easier to use
Soft keys programmable; function keys

Audio Features
HD voice: HD codec
Codec:G.711A/u, G.7231 high/low,G.729a/b,    
DTMF: In-band, Out-of-band(RFC 2833) and
Voice Activity Detection (VAD)
Comfort Noise Generation (CNG)
Echo cancellation: Support G.168

Advanced Features
Call forwarding
Call transfer (blind/attended/alert)
Call holding
Call waiting
Call conference
BLF List
Capable of 10 way conversation
Join call
Call completion
Hot desk function
4 DSS key
Auto Redial / unredial
Support multi line and predial
Support messaging and MWI
Flexible dial plan
Barring function for outgoing calls
Do not disturb
Auto answer (headset)
Caller ID display
CLIR (rejects anonymous calls)
CLIP (to make an anonymous call)
Dial without registration
Supports call logs with missed calls/
    incoming calls/outgoing calls, Each support
    300 records.
Support Phonebook 500 records
 Support SMS and Speed Dial

8 Alasan kenapa beli di :

  1. Alamat kantor jelas beserta no.telp nya.
  2. Berbadan hukum PT dan bukan perseorangan ataupun individu
  3. Semua Produk yang di jual bergaransi resmi dari distributor
  4. Free konsultasi dengan Account Manager berpengalaman dan dukungan Technical Support Bersertifikasi International
  5. Tersedia produk untuk Trial before Buy / Proof of Concept
  6. Terdaftar sebagai Anggota Asosiasi E-Commerce Indonesia (IDEA)
  7. Jaminan Harga Kompetitif
  8. Gratis Ongkos kirim untuk wilayah Pulau Jawa dan Sekitarnya

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